I created my Twitter account as a homework assignment for a creative writing class in college. We used Twitter to write microfiction -- focusing on grammar, sentence structure, and literary devices.
I loved it as a tool for learning. It was one of my favorite assignments.
I also discovered a rich twitlit community, and an even broader writing community.
Twitter is a rich place for getting involved in any community. You have real-time access to find resources, get answers, give answers, connect, and collaborate with people all around the world.
I created my Twitter account as a homework assignment for a creative writing class in college. We used Twitter to write microfiction -- focusing on grammar, sentence structure, and literary devices.
I loved it as a tool for learning. It was one of my favorite assignments.
I also discovered a rich twitlit community, and an even broader writing community.
Twitter is a rich place for getting involved in any community. You have real-time access to find resources, get answers, give answers, connect, and collaborate with people all around the world.